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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happar Plus : The Fuel for your Happar script

I guess most internet marketeers have heard about the 'happar'-script.
It is like an searchengine that collects all the searched keywords, stores them in a database and adds them in the rss feeds for Google. I'm not completely sure how it works, but I understood it works especially good with Google Adsense.
The problem for us here, is that the script comes with a lot of Turkish and adult words in its database, and that is not so useful when targeting the English ads
I've seen the demo site, and noticed indeed that there are a lot of funny characters in down the screen.

But someone had a great idea: sell a database full of English words. There are 2 types : the most searched keywords and the top paying keywords (must be the Adwords price?). There is also a script avalable, which will allow you to add a full list of your own keywords. Great idea and the price is good, even if you only want a list of keywords to find your new niche.

If you are in the Happar business (or contemplating it), you should take a look here:

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Project Black Mask & Adsense Review

Whitehat? Blackhat? What The-?

If these terms mean nothing to you, then good. The Black Mask blueprint assumes only two things: complete ignorance and a desire to make lots of cash online. We assume no knowledge of AdSense, affiliate marketing or anything similar.

That said, let me give you a quick primer on what we're talking about here. Whitehat and Blackhat are terms taken from the early days of computer hacking.

Put simply, a Whitehat hacker uses only "ethical" means to gain entry into a system.

A Blackhat hacker uses any means at his disposal to do the same thing.

There just aren't any restrictions. Legal... or not... he'll try it.

For Blackhat hackers there aren't any rules!

Fast forward to today...

The terms are more often used in the world of SEO (getting free traffic from the search engines). No Pay-Per-Click, no Adwords... every visitor is completely free..

Now let me tell you, these so-called "whitehat" techniques can work...

But be prepared to spend thousands of hours creating targeted content, inbound links, reciprocal links and masterfully configuring your writing around specific keywords in order to get "natural positioning" on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Then your ad runs right next to a "paid" ad, and you can get all those clicks for free (in theory).

But like I said... it can take HUNDREDS OF HOURS to perfectly optimize your websites to make them "search engine friendly."

On the other hand, there is nothing "friendly" about Blackhat...

The entire premise here is to short-cut your way past all the "friendly" stuff. We cut in line, slash the learning curve and get our free clicks in days, NOT months. And we do it by being more ruthless, devious and treacherous than everyone else.

Gone are the hours of content writing. No more begging for links. No heavy duty logistics whatsoever. Because we don't have the time or the inclination. Like I say, we take the "Black Hat", instant and free clicks shortcut. And guess what?

It's all "manipulated" within a free tool and a bit of automation.

Basically, you use a search engine's own fancy math against itself. Blackhat fools the search engine into ranking your site higher. We trick our way in, swipe our clicks, make our money, fire up the automated tools and move on to the next round of profiteering. If it sounds devious, that's because it is. And that's what makes the whole thing so profitable...

"And I must tell you...
Old-School Blackhat is very powerful...
If you happen to be marketing in 2005!"

You see... the days of simple "Blackhat trickery" fooling the search engines, is gone. Billion dollar companies like Google are simply not stupid. Talk to most Blackhatters and they'll tell you that today... it can cost just as much to work on a Blackhat campaign as a Whitehat one.

And remember, we want our cash easily made and in large denominations.

After all....

Every hour you spend trying to implement the latest "trick" is an hour you're not making money.

And in the end, isn't making money what this is all about?

...And That's Where Black Mask Comes in!

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