But if not, I wanted to tell you briefly about some of the new features that Brad's added to the latest update to Keyword Elite.
As if the software wasn't already extremely powerful, Brad just keeps adding more requested features to it. Anyway, here is a brief list of what the software can do for you:
- Easily generate keyword lists of over 10,000 keywords in a few short minutes
Allows you to create a keyword list from a phrase and then add commas and brackets to make phrase or exact phrases, as well as broad. Or all three. Then you can easily drag and copy massive lists of keywords to dump into your adwords campaigns - that's handy!
- Allows you to find extremely profitable, high paying Adsense keywords
This function creates a list of related keywords from a selection of SEs that the user chooses. You can even use wordtracker or keyword discovery (as long as you have a valid membership of their seperate service).
- Analyzes your PPC competition to find exactly which keywords are making them the most money, as well as which ones are losing them money
Plug in a search term and find the top sites (quantity set by user) for that search term. In the top window it gives some related search terms and the google/overture search quantities for those terms. Click on one of them to open up the url's of the top sites for that term. You click on the url's to go to the site, but it also shows you :
Website title
Google PR
- Spy On Adwords Competition
Get a quick glance at how competitive a market is in terms of organic search engine listings, as well as PPC listings
Shows results for each word of the keyword phrase - IE - if the word is used in -
H1 tags
Image alt text
First 25 words
Last 25 words
This is probably my favourite function of Keyword Elite:
You enter the name of a URL into the interface (for example, the url of an affiliate product that you want to promote) and then add a keyword list (that you've created in the earlier steps).
Then it tells you -
The date of the search (this is important, hold on)
Whether the person paying for the adwords ad is an affiliate (GEEZ!) or the site owner or if there are no bids
The url that is being promoted
The title of the adwords ad
The actual adwords ad copy itself!!!
Plus (get this) you can schedule Keyword Elite to check these stats up to 3 times a day, daily or weekly! Therefore you can monitor whether ads are dropped or continued, whether the ad copy is being tinkered with, whether the bid price goes up or down.
- Plus way more than I can list here...
Many other people JUST LIKE YOU are already getting RICH using Keyword Elite RIGHT NOW!
See what they have to say about it...
"It's a very RARE thing when something comes out that really impresses me...
...but it just happened. I've been secretly beta testing an amazing research tool for the past week. And all I can say is... wow. This thing is one of the most powerful research tools ever created. Yes, ever."
[John then goes on to say...]
"Here's My Prediction... It will quickly become:
- The #1 tool for anyone building 'VRE' sites for making money with AdSense.
- The #1 tool for anyone that wants to make money selling ebooks or other infoproducts.
- The #1 tool for anyone that wants to make money promoting affiliate programs.
- The #1 tool for anyone that wants to generate tons of free traffic from the search engines.
- The #1 tool for anyone wanting to build huge, targeted opt-in email lists.
- The #1 tool for anyone wanting to make money from consulting and teaching others how to do business online."
- John Reese
Internet Marketing Extraordinaire
(*Well-known for earning 1 million dollars in 24 hours!)
Brad's got several demo videos at the website to show you exactly what the softare can do for you, so I highly suggest that you take a few minutes from whatever you're doing right now, and go watch the videos.
I personally guarantee you've NEVER seen anything quite like this software.
You can go view the videos and get Keyword Elite here:
=> www.KeywordElite.com
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